Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing

You Don’t Have to be a Genius to Master Internet Marketing

Something tells us you’re just … well … smarter than most people looking to market online.

You’re not interested in lame “get rich quick” schemes. You’re not looking for a magical silver bullet that involves no work, no time, and no sense.

You don’t have to be Einstein to “get” this stuff. But you’d have to be an idiot to believe some of the stuff peddled by traditional Internet marketing “gurus.”

INTERNET MARKETING builds authority using content to inform and build trust with prospects and customers.

There’s a better way to understand online marketing, and we want to share it with you.

Introducing Internet Marketing for Smart People

Internet Marketing for Smart People is a systematic, simple way to understand and implement effective online marketing.

You’ll learn the “Mahandru Associates method” of creating a profitable online business or marketing your offline business online.

You’ll get an organized reference guide to the “best of the best” that’s appeared on Mahandru Associates over the years, and you’ll see how it all fits together.

Need more information on Internet Marketing for Smart People? Carry on:

THE FOUR PILLARS OFOnline Marketing Success

Mahandru Associates has been delivering free online marketing advice since 2006, and we’ve found four themes that keep coming up.Our Internet Marketing for Smart People series works through these four themes, systematically introducing you to the most important concepts we think every online marketer must know about.

These are the cornerstones of how to build and market a business with the Mahandru Associates model, using everything we’ve learned over the years. Ready?

PILLAR 1:Relationships

Creating strong relationships with an audience is critical to everything we do here. Rather than constantly hunting down new customers, we’d much rather create a valued environment that benefits our existing readers and customers and keeps pulling them back.

We don’t advertise in the traditional sense; instead, our readers do a great job of “spreading the word” for us.

  • It’s about having consummate respect, always, for your audience and your market.
  • It’s about focusing almost obsessively on their needs, over and above your own (and getting what you want, almost magically, in the process).
  • It’s about making a commitment to creating a quality experience for your readers and subscribers.

PILLAR 2:Direct response copywriting

We certainly stay abreast of the latest social media trends (and sometimes create them), but underlying everything we do here is solid copywriting techniques.

Starting with a killer headline and moving strategically through the copy to a stirring call to action, traditional copywriting techniques work amazingly well in social media.

“Old-fashioned” copywriting advice can make all the difference between a business or blog that limps along and one that truly thrives.

We’ll show you precisely what we mean in the initial issues of the course.

PILLAR 3:Content marketing

What’s the backbone of the Mahandru Associates formula?Deliver great content.

Then keep delivering great content, but in a strategic and focused way.

Every once in a while, make a great offer that benefits the reader and involves the exchange of cash money.

Of course, we’ll give you some more specifics on how to do that once you’re on board.

PILLAR 4:Have something worth selling

Everyone is selling something. It might be a product, a service, a download, an idea, or a worthy cause.

Whatever you’re selling, it’s got to be worth the price. (And never forget that reader attention is a valuable commodity that’s in strictly limited supply.)

Whether you’re asking for dollars, euros, yen, or valuable time and attention, you’ve got to deliver something that towers above your asking price.


In case of any query or meeting appointment with Dubai Best Internet Marketing Company, feel free to email us at

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