We believe there is a Rebel, Rockstar, Goddess and Bitch in every woman – so we asked women what it means to them, and were wowed by the responses! Read the video transcript below.
I’ve been a bit of a rebel all my life. All right, here we go!
I guess, because I’m not really conventional – What?
I do things my way
Walking to my own tune
Breaking the rules
I have that reputation
Not giving a shit about
what anyone else thinks
Do what you wanna do – Like that?
No matter what the consequence
Rocking out, being myself, being true to who I am, and just owning it
Just being generally fabulous
Everybody points me out and says– Big tongue
Hands in the air and I’m just going wild
F-U, don’t care what you think, which I love
When I score the winning goal at soccer
Have an attitude and fun
Show what my mama gave me!
My most pure goddess moment is loving me and loving my body for who I am
You know that inner feminine warrior?
Leaving the house with an amazing bag on my shoulder
Being pregnant and feeling really beautiful
I feel like a Goddess when I’m actually helping other people
A Bitch means not caring what people think
I like her – She comes out when the job needs to get done
Strong, independent woman leading the way
Gotta be able to say what you think, and often that is what a Bitch means
Me? Haha!
A Bitch is about walking and leading and looking after her tribe!
Which one are You today?
Today I’m a Rockstar
I’m a Rebel
Maybe like a Goddess?
I think I’m a Bitch, but in a good way!
I feel like a Goddess, I probably look like a Bitch
I’m a Goddess today
You gotta be a bit of everything
I think I’m a bit of a Rebel, I think today – Yeah, hanging out with my gals
Rockstar and Goddess – I feel really good in my own skin, but also, I’m feeling really pumped.
And owning it, I guess
All of the above!