Award-Winning Corporate Invitation Design from OneSource Virtual

Award-Winning Corporate Invitation Design from OneSource Virtual

In the weeks leading up to the release of the Winter 2016 issue of HOW magazine, we’re excited to celebrate the winners of the HOW In-House Design Awards by taking a closer look at some of the winning projects.

Check out this merit-winning corporate invitation design from Irving, TX–based OneSource Virtual, a company that “provides outsourcing services that plug into your Workday application and propel your business forward.”

Totally VIP Kit: A VIP Corporate Invitation Kit

Related: Did you know that every winner of the 2016 In-House Design Awards will be featured in the Winter 2016 issue of HOW magazine? Find it at Barnes & Noble Dec. 13, or even better, subscribe today to be the first to see the beautiful printed issue in your mailbox in November!)

What we love most about OneSource Virtual’s winning entry, which was recognized in the business-to-business category of the Awards, is the team’s skilled use of vibrant neon accents and holographic foils against, as they put it, “the quiet sophistication and style of a blind deboss on Neenah Classic Crest.” Through this approach, the creatives were able to convey to their target (executive-level invitees) that the corporate event to which they were invited would be centered around a 1980s theme but would be more refined than simply a “theme party.”

Congratulations, One Source Virtual!

corporate invitation design by OneSource VIrtual, winner in the HOW In-House Design Awards

corporate invitation design by OneSource VIrtual, winner in the HOW In-House Design Awards

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